Meeting Rooms

Many of the libraries within the library system have a meeting room available for public use.

Organizations and groups are allowed to use Library meeting rooms when those facilities are not needed for administrative use, activities or programs sponsored in whole or in part by the Library and provided that such use does not disrupt the Library’s programs and activities.

The meeting rooms are available only for educational/informational meetings, art exhibits, public hearings or similar local programming and must be reserved in advance. All meetings must be open to the public and no admission or fees may be charged. The Library reserves the right to deny applications for use based on the availability of space, availability of staff or frequency of use. Individuals or groups will not be allowed to use a library meeting room for social functions (i.e. wedding receptions, birthday parties, showers, reunions, etc.).

Reservation Form  & Procedures
For the complete Meeting Room Policy, click here.

Questions?  Contact your Library.

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