Computer Services

Each branch of the Library System have desktop and laptop computers for public use. Usage is free.

Signing in before use of the computers is required. If you are using the internet, a library card and a signed Internet Use Policy is required. Certain times may be blocked out for Library usage, maintenance, etc.

The computers’ hard disk drives are for the storage of library software and information. Patrons are asked to save all their information to flash drives, and not save files on the hard drives.

Library staff can help you start the program, but cannot provide tutoring or in-depth hands-on assistance.

Only programs provided by the library may be used on the library’s computers. Downloading and/or installing other programs is prohibited.

Patrons are allowed to print information from each of the programs.  Patrons are responsible for paying for all print outs.  

Wireless is available at all locations.

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