This collection was originally organized by Murella H. Powell. Ms. Powell was the Local History & Genealogy Librarian until her retirement in the spring of 2005. During Hurricane Katrina this department, once located in the unique building at 139 Lameuse Street, was visited by 3 to 4 feet of murky water, storm debris, and assorted aquatic creatures. Although this devastating event caused the loss of numerous irreplaceable items, new items are always being added to this collection. Whenever possible, replacement items have been ordered.
This department traveled from the hurricane ravaged building, to the Margaret Sherry Library, to the West Biloxi Library , to the Biloxi Post Office on Main Street, and finally to this new location in downtown Biloxi. Built with funding from FEMA, CDBG monies, and insurance monies, this new structure was designed with the Tivoli Hotel and the Buena Vista Hotel architecture in mind.
This area of the library is a research center. Items cannot be checked out. Photocopying is available for a fee. Patrons are welcome to bring in their own microfilm/microfiche for viewing.