Get a Library Card

Getting a library card is fast and easy! Just bring your Picture ID listing a current address to any location of the Harrison County Library System.  If your ID does not list a current address, please bring a Proof of Address.

Acceptable forms of Picture ID’s include:

  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Valid State Issue Id
  • School Id
  • Military Id
  • Passport

Acceptable forms of Proof of Address include:

  • Item of mail received within the current month
  • Current utility bill
  • Lease/Mortgage
  • Bank Statement
  • Current Auto Registration or Insurance
  • Checkbook with printed address

Supervisors may approve other forms of Proof of Address.

Applications for children under the age of 17 require a parent or guardian signature to accept responsibilities for borrowed materials.   Ages 5-11 may obtain a Juvenile card and ages 12-17 may obtain a Young Adult card.

Library cards are free to the residents of George, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Pearl River, & Stone Counties.   If you are from outside of the area, you may obtain a Non-Resident card for an annual fee.

Special issue cards may be made for Educators and Institutions.

There is a $2.00 replacement fee for lost cards.

If you change your address or lose your library card, please notify the library immediately.

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