Holiday Calendar

The Library observes the ten (10) legal holidays set forth in § 3‐3‐7 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, except the last Monday of April, Confederate Memorial Day.  In lieu of Confederate Memorial Day, HCLS will observe Mardi Gras.  Additional holidays proclaimed by the Governor may also be observed. 

If any holiday above falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the system may choose to close Friday or Monday, depending on state and federal proclamations and system needs.

The Administrative Board of Trustees may elect to close the library on additional days.

View the most current information on the Calendar of Events.

The following have been designated as HCLS holidays:

January 1New Year's Day
Third Monday of JanuaryMartin Luther King Jr Day
Third Monday of FebruaryPresidents Day
VariedMardi Gras
Last Monday of MayMemorial Day
July 4Independence Day
First Monday of SeptemberLabor Day
November 11Armistice Day (Veteran's Day)
Fourth Thursday in NovemberThanksgiving Day
December 25Christmas
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