Ask the Librarian

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Welcome to Ask the Librarian! Having trouble finding information? If so, please follow the link below to ask your question. Try to be as specific as possible. We strive to respond to electronic questions with brief, factual answers or suggested sources for you to consult in 24-48 hours.

Need it faster? Please call one of our Libraries. If your question requires in-depth research, we invite you to visit one of the Libraries nearest you.

Send your request via email

Below is an example list of questions we can answer, and those we can not.

•  Genealogy inquiries should be directed to the Local History & Genealogy Department.

We will be glad to answer questions like these:

  • What is the zip code to Panama City, Florida?
  • What is the capital and state bird of New Mexico?
  • Who wrote the patent on the Cotton Gin?

But we will be unable to answer questions like these:

  • Please give me the complete history of the Roman Empire.
  • Please give me a biography of Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Explain to me how the stock market works.
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